Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Auction at West Auction Inc. in West, Texas

      Getting animals into a trailer is always easier said than done. But eventually we got two in to try our luck at the auction in West, Texas.

   We dropped the steers off at 10:30 a.m., registered just in case I could talk Pa into a bottle baby or two. Yeah, I know they're extra work, but they sure are cute when they're young.  (He didn't give in to their cute faces and wide eyes. He's a man of stone.)
   The 24 hour restaurant was fantastic. Pa and I had bacon cheeseburgers, Jake had a delicious looking grilled ham and cheese sandwich and Kylie splurged on Chicken Fried Steak. Pa is a sucker for Kylie. She gives him the puppy-dog-eyes, talks about all she'll learn and how it will help her be a vet (I still don't know how she correlated vets and watching an auction), and she's at the auction.
   So lunch was great.

   The four of us then went in and had a great time watching the different cows go through. The Longhorns were my favorite. It was funny to see these huge cows with extra long horns tilting their heads sideways so they can go through the gates.  Kylie and Jake had fun trying to figure out what the auctioneer was saying.
   The auction was incredibly long. We left at 5:30 p.m. and they still hadn't gotten to our steers. I really wanted to watch them be sold, but I knew we had to get home to help the other kids with their homework, make dinner, and milk Brindle.
   The auction was last Thursday and this Monday we got our check. The little calf was 455 lbs. and sold for $2.01/lb. and the big calf was 475 lbs. and sold for $1.91/lb. We were very pleased with our check.
   If you ever have a free day and are looking for some cheap entertainment, check out your local livestock auction. West has their auction on Thursdays. Cleburne has their auction on Saturdays. The biggest difference between the two is that West is mostly just for cows and Cleburne does other animals like goats. This Saturday we are taking some goats to the auction in Cleburne. Hope to see you there!

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